

Coiled Conduit Markers

NEW: Exclusive Only To Primark

Innovative and cost-effective.

Product Description: Primark coiled conduit labels are made from rigid PVC vinyl with 16mil and 19mil thickness. Conduit coils are suitable for temperatures of -40°F to 160°F. Conduit coils are designed to identify conduit in all types of environments without the hassle of using spray paint or colored banding tape, saving cost in labor. Coils are manufactured as sheets in a tearaway format for ease of use and can be manufactured with or without text and with multiple colors.

Complies With: ASME A13.1 “Scheme for the Identification of Piping Systems” CAN/CGSB-24.3-92 and ANSI A131-1981 colour coding schemes.

Custom Legend: Primark can provide a custom legend sign that can be posted within the project facility to identify the system assigned to each colored conduit marker.

Available sizes



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