

Underground Tape

Detectable & Non-Detectable

Product Description: Both Detectable and Non-Detectable underground tape is available. Detectable tape is manufactured with an aluminum foil core and typically measures 5 mil thick for easy detection of buried pipes before excavation begins. Non-detectable tape typically measuring 4 mil thick and is another option when visual detection is sufficient to provide a warning during excavation.

Sizing: Tape comes in 3” and 6” widths and in lengths of 1000’.  3” tape is recommended for depths of under 24” and 6” tape for depths over 24”

Complies With: Cpmplies with the APWA universal guidelines for underground utility marking.


(Inquire about custom colors and legends)

A seven row chart showing different colors and legends for underground tape.

For order inquiries or general questions, feel free to give us a call or Send us an email.

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