

A white icon of a wrench on a red square background

Electrical Conduit Markers


Our conduit labels are manufactured to fit your application.

Whether you are labelling systems, services or simply organizing your wiring, we have simple and effective options to choose from.

To learn how Primark can help you with your next ID project, call now toll-free 1800.528.0703
A industrial ceiling with an intricate 11 conduit ceiling with red and orange coiled conduit markers indicating the voltage of each conduit

adhesive Conduit Markers

Peel and stick

Coiled Conduit Markers

 Innovative and cost-effective

Stainless Steel & Conduit Tags

Permanently etched system information

Banding Tape

Traditional & basic

Seraphinite AcceleratorOptimized by Seraphinite Accelerator
Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.